Friday, November 21, 2014

A Secret for Blondes-- Shh!

Got a secret can I keep it, swear this one you say, got a locket in my pocket taking this one to the graveeee hehehehehe. 
Okay, I don't really know if those are even are the words. But, I couldn't resist. I have a blonde secret and its coming out of the closet. Okay okay okay its not really that big of a secret. The weird thing is, its not a secret at all.... Most blondes just have no idea about my little babe. Actually, most blondes don't even know the difference between blondes which is my biggest pet peeve in the entire world. Am I confusing you yet? Lets back up.....

There once was a thing called blondes. There were many different types of blondes in the forest. But the yellow, brassy blondes were the ones who lived in the straw houses. Ashy, cool blondes lived in the brick houses (per me) because they were the best and of course they would live in the coolest housed away from the bad wolf. The big bad wolf in blondes cases are hard water, the sun, and peroxide. Anytime a dark haired person goes light 9/10 times, the underlying pigment is going to be orange. Which sucks but toning your hair gets rid of that..... For a while. In my case like 2 washes. Not kidding. Then, its back to brassy old Em lookin like a trash bag. UNTIL I FIGURED OUT PURPLE SHAMPOO..... One of my favorite bloggers The Beauty Department also wrote about purple shampoos here! Its an awesome post-- check it out! But, they show the difference amazzzzzingly.

purple, shampoo, purpleshampoo, before, after, brassy, blonde, ashy, hair, amazing, love, beauty, sallys,

Do you see the difference?! Purple shampoo is a shampoo (duh emily) that brightens blondes and keeps them from the Bad Wolf. Ive tried looooads of them and yeah some of them work but nothing like Shimmer Lights. AND GOOD NEWS ITS CHEAP! You can get it at Sallys I think for like $8. Steal! You use it once a week and let me tell you, my hair every time I use this looks like a million bucks. The purple in the shampoo is across in the color wheel from orange so it BITES IT RIGHT IN THE BEHIND! Just remember art class in first grade. This is science guys.. 

I know this was the longest post known to man and I am really sorry. But blondes, have you ever tried purple shampoo? Whats your favorite? Seriously tho, get your hands on this. Your hair will thank you and so will I. Together, we can kick this brass epidemic goodbye and finally put an end to THE BIG BAD WOLF.. 

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