I barely ever get personal on zis blog, but I have really wanted to break out of the reg 'beauty' posts lately. Not that I don't love beauty. (I'm still obsessed, don't worry) Just do a little more lifestyle posts. Maybe you have already noticed?! So, today I was stalking Whitspeaks and she did a post all about random facts about herself and I lovedddd it! She has a great blog, you can check it out here. I got to thinkin' why not do this. I love random facts. I don't think I am that exciting but I will try! So if you're interested in knowing a little behind the girl behind, Flowers in Emilys Hair, here goes nothin'.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
December Playlist ||
'this is my winter song, december never felt so wrong 'cause youre not where you belong, inside my heart.'
Do you guys have Spotify?
If not, you are missing out. BIG TIME. It is the beeeez kneeeez.
I have been loving it. I used to just buy all my music on iTunes but this is sooo much better. But shiiiii, it was ninety nine cents (bag it) (awful Thrift Shop reference) But really, for your first three months its only literally, ninety nine cents. You can get any music in the whole world. (Except T-Swift bc shes ignorant, jk, love you girl) Different from Pandora, you can chose what you want to listen to and make your own playlists! WHICH PLAYLIST OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN BORN.
Lets back up a bit.
I, Emily Augustine, if you did not know, am very weird. With that being said, my music taste is all over the place. I like everything. I would like to define my music taste as schizophrenic. I like pop, rock, r&b, emo kid muzic, rap, 90's, christmas music etc, etc, etc. Sooo, dont judge, I even like a good boy band once in a while. Heheh. I would honestly tho check out these tunes! Although, it is December, I like to dabble my feet here and there in Christmas music, but, I can only take it in small dosages. Sorry to dissapoint anyone!
Do you guys have Spotify?
If not, you are missing out. BIG TIME. It is the beeeez kneeeez.
I have been loving it. I used to just buy all my music on iTunes but this is sooo much better. But shiiiii, it was ninety nine cents (bag it) (awful Thrift Shop reference) But really, for your first three months its only literally, ninety nine cents. You can get any music in the whole world. (Except T-Swift bc shes ignorant, jk, love you girl) Different from Pandora, you can chose what you want to listen to and make your own playlists! WHICH PLAYLIST OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN BORN.
Lets back up a bit.
I, Emily Augustine, if you did not know, am very weird. With that being said, my music taste is all over the place. I like everything. I would like to define my music taste as schizophrenic. I like pop, rock, r&b, emo kid muzic, rap, 90's, christmas music etc, etc, etc. Sooo, dont judge, I even like a good boy band once in a while. Heheh. I would honestly tho check out these tunes! Although, it is December, I like to dabble my feet here and there in Christmas music, but, I can only take it in small dosages. Sorry to dissapoint anyone!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Tutorial for my Gals with Glasses!
I always get asked this one question: How do you wear makeup with glasses without looking crasssy?
I'm honestly not the one to ask this question because if I have my glasses on, my makeup is gone. If I'm wearing my 10 year old glasses theres no making me look presentable. Makeup with glasses is honestly tough. So, I did some research and talked w my girl Gabi-- a fellow glasses wearer-- and we came up with a basic, everyday, makeup look. Also, some tips as well!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
How To: Natural Beach Waves
Am I the only one who loves messy hair?
Messy hair is just so effortless and IN thank the lord. Because I don't know what in the world I would do if I had to straighten my hair everyday like high school. If you aren't born with natural waves heres a quick tutorial on how to get them!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Holiday Gift Guide || Giveaway!
iPhone Case | Makeup Brushes | Electric Blanket | Mascara Set | Phone Lens | Curling Wand | Elfie Selfie
Mophie Battery Pack Phone Case- $119 I literally would be so happy for this present. If you have an iPhone you know the battery friggin is the worst. My phone dies so fast all the time I am allllways charging it. This case is very durable and even better yet it charges your phone an extra 120%. Thats like all weekend without charging your phone. Or if your me maybe a whole day. Hahahah (I have issues)(Don't call cellphones anonymous)(I swear I can put it down)(Ok, the first process of getting over an addiction, is admitting you have an addiction) Its a little pricey, but, like i said if you're a girl even teenage to older women because my moms phone is always dead too! Anyone can get amazing use out of this!
Sigma Makeup Brushes- $86 These makeup brushes are the bomb.com and every single girl, if they wear makeup which most do, needs makeup brushes, even if they don't have any. So this would be the perfect option! They last a leap year and are such great quality. If you use the code 'dec2014' you can get 10% off and also free shipping over $50!
Monday, December 8, 2014
Same lips, Diff chicks. #winteredition
Is it just me or is buying lipstick really hard? Its like a boxa' chocolate.. Ya never know what chur gonna get. Literally. The color it could be in the tube could be totally different than what it is on your lips. AND EVEN THE CRAZIER THING-- a lot of lipsticks look different on different skin tones. One of my favoriteeeeee bloggers did a post a while back check them out here. And I WAS OBSESSED, so I thought why not put my own spin on it! But, how do you know if you should take the leap and buy the lipstick? Cause, theres a lot of different ways it could turn out. But, I am here to help you. I thought I would put together some of my favorite fall lipsticks and then you can see what exactly they look like on different skin types, hair colors, eye colors, the whole shebang.
Apparently, Russian Red wins! I loveeee the timeless look of a red lip. This lipstick is an amazing red especially because its blue based! Have you ever noticed when you wear red lips you feel like your teeth look yellow? With this lip that won't be the case! Thats because you're getting a warm based red, not a cool tone aka blue;)
I hope this helped you on your fall and winter lipstick search! Let me know what your favorite color was in the comments! What do you usually go for? A red lip? A purple? Nude? Talk to you soon!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Get The Look: Sarah Hyland Makeup!
Hiii everyone!
Today is mine and Kylas last Get the Look post on Sarah Hyland! I could shed a brief tear. Heheh. But, I saved my best post for last... Check out her makeup.. WHAT A BABE. Why is everyone so obsessed with Kylie Jenner when theres Sarah Hyland? Like she does a brown lip too? I don't get it.... Sarah always wears a pretty smokey eye with a brownish matte lip. She goes from grey smokey eyes to brown and is always very luminous! Her skin always looks amazing and has the most perfect glow. Keep reading on to find out more about this beaut and how to recreate it! AND BEWARE OF THE BROWS! Hahahhaha we filled them in to be thick like hers and they look a bit much but I promise by the end it looks perfect!
So first we did our foundation/contour routine which you can find here and highlighted with Nars Albatross. Then filled in her brows hehe. Then I took my Lorac Pro 2 Palette and took Cool Grey on a crease brush and focused it in windshield wipers into her crease. Then with a bigger brush blended it all out. Then we took Chrome and patted it onto the lid.
After that, we took, cool gray and focused this on the lower lash line to smoke it out a bit. Make sure to blend this as well! Then took Snow on her inner corners and right on the brow bone to lighten things up a bit! To finish, on her lips we used Wet and Wilds 'Bare it All'. I liked this color, its not turning up as brown as it was on camera. But for more of a brown lip, I would choose 'Gingerly' by Mac.
And thats it! IM SO SAD THIS IS OUR LAST POST! Kyla is doing one of Sarahs casual outfits so go check that out and maybe you'll see us back with another collab soon;) We wiiiilllll seeeee. Comment below telling me your favorite style we did and what celeb we should do nexttttt. Talk to you guys soon! Photography by Sarah Kathryn |
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Get The Look: Sarah Hyland Pt 2
I'm back today again with Kyla with our Sarah Hyland Get the Look series! If you didn't see our first posts, look here! Today, we are recreating her Emmys look ahhhhhh. TO DIE FOR. Sorry to anyone this might offend but I feel like this really put Sarah on the map of the celebs to watch. She looked so effortless, but, so chic. I fell in love instantly. Sooo today I am going to be replicating her bun while Kyla will be doing her outfit!
First, take all of our hair on the top of your head and put it in a pony. Tease that entire pony.
Nowwwwwwww, I have a little cheat sheet. Take either a sock or one of these bad boys and put your hair into the hole.
Now starting in the front, bring all the hair forward and then wrap all the hair around the donut/sock.
Secure the ends with a bobby pin under the bun.
Take your hand with your fingers spread open into the front to loosen up the bun, to make it more messy.
AND thats it.
Im not lying.
Easy peasy lemon squeaky. A chic bun in like two seconds. Thats my favorite kinda bun. Go try this out on yourself! I bet you can do it in two minutes. I dare you! Now go check out Kylas outfit! I am soooooooo obsessed with this! Tell me you don't love this. I feel like it would be perfect for the holidays-- that red skirt? Ughh!
Check her out @ www.sarahkathrynphoto.com and like her on Facebook here.
I'm not giving away any clues but there may or may not be a makeup tutorial next!
Keep your eyeeeez opennnn 0_o
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Sarah Hyland: GET THE LOOK Pt. 1
Guess who's back, back, back, back again, gain, gain. IM BACK TODAY WITH ANOTHER GET THE LOOK SERIES! Hehee. These are my favorite! But, today with another blogger... Two times the fun! Now, me and Kyla over at Ky Marie C are recreating Sarah Hylands amazing style. Kyla is from New England and she has the cuteessst blog all about fashion, beauty & life in general! Lets just say, if you like my blog, you'll LOVE HER-- Go check her out! Sarah Hyland is the cutestttt little thing and her fashion sense is BOMB. I will be doing Sarahs hair/makeup for the next few days while, Kyla will be recreating some of her signature outfits! You don't want to miss this guys...... For the first post, I am going to be recreating Sarahs fishtailllllllllllll. Thank you so much Gabi for the heeeelp!!
Can we please talk about how effortless this is? I would rock this anyday, anytime, anyplace. This hairstyle is perfect for loungin' around running some errands OR perfect for a fancier event like Sarah did and the best thing is it takes two seconds.
First, I would start out with second day curled hair (this helps with texture) or you can curl it with a wand then start.
Sarah has crazy thick hair, so to replicate that start of with a volumizing mousse or give it a little tease.
|| Take all of your hair to one side and separate it like you would a braid but with two sections.
Then take the outermost piece of one section and cross it over, combining it to the other section.
Keep repeating this step all the way down. Going from one section to the other, making sure you keep it very tight!
Once you get to the bottom keeping about 4 inches out secure it with a clear elastic.
Now to the fun part- to make it more messy start pulling the braid strands out a little on each side.
Also, pull out the pieces around your face and if necessary, recurl them.
I didn't do this step- but-- if you want her exact look, take a piece of the bottom hair thats out of the braid and wrap it around the elastic and tuck it in. This way the elastic won't be noticeable!
AND VOILA! You're done! A simple easy hairstyle you can do anytime. Easy as that:)
Now go over and check out Kylas post all about Sarahs outfit! Comment on her page telling her I sent ya:)
Photography as always by the lovely Sarah Bedzyk!
Check her out @ www.sarahkathrynphoto.com and like her on Facebook here.
Illl talk to you guys soon with a new Get the Look posttttt eeeeek!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Guys its December....
HAAAAAAAAY. I am so excited. I am permanently in a good mood come December. I wouldn't say I am one of those crazy people when it comes to Christmas but, I do love me some good carols and hot coco and decorating the tree and all the lights, ok, I guess I am obsessed... I don't think any one can say they don't like Chr
istmas. But, I also can't wait for snooooooooow. We already got a little bit but I want the real deal. Snowed in with comfy clothes eekkkkkk. Oh, and 28 days of Christmas on ABC Family. I am alllll over that every single year. Hehe. My friend Kyla over at Ky Marie C tagged me to do the Holiday Tag so here goes nothinnnnn'.
1. What's your favorite Christmas movie?
ELF. Hands down. I can't stop laughing every single time I watch that movie and its not like I don't know whats going to happen. Im THAT girl with that movie who says every single word. I know, I am the worst.
2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
If we don't have a white Christmas, I am very surprised. New York snows all the time. It started snowing in October. FML.
3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
Christmas Eve is bigger than Christmas in my family. Christmas Eve we ALWAYS go to my aunts, then the actually day at my moms!
4. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Typical white girl-- All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey! I actually listen to that song all year round. Hahahahaha.
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
YES. Hehe. My mom always gives us our pajamas and my aunts house we open presents from our cousins and my god mother!
6. Can you name all Santa's reindeer?
You know dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen, donner and blitzen and comet and cupid... But do you reeeecaaaalllll the most famous reindeer of all.... Duh, course I can. Rudolph! If I messed that up I will be pretty embarrassed.
7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to the most this year?
Going to my aunts for Christmas Eve. Being around all my family is crazyyyyyy but its fun. Its nice for once for all of us to be together.
If your Christmas tree is fake, I feel bad for you son.. I got 99 problems but a fake Christmas Tree aint one. (I'm lame)
9. What is your all-time favorite holiday food/ sweet treat?
Im pathetic but my grandma always makes bomb pasta salad every single holiday.. My mouth waters thinking about it.
10. Be honest: Do you like receiving or giving presents more?
Both. Honestly.
11. What is the best Christmas gift you've ever received?
When I was like in high school I got a Blackberry and I thought it was the best thing god ever came down and gave me. I think it broke after that a good 8 times. It was cool tho.
12. What would be your dream place to visit be during the holiday season?
NYC! Deffff.
13. Are you a pro-present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
I fail. Everytime. Though I do try really hard. I'll get really nice paper and ribbon and the whole nine yards and it always looks awful.
14. Most memorable holiday moment?
When I was little, I was sassy. When I say sassy, I was for lack of a better word, a brat. LOL! My older cousin pulled my name for Christmas so Christmas Eve she wrapped up dog food for me... I was devastated. I cried. Then, she brought out a Spice Girl microphone and lollipops... I told you I was a diva hahahhaha.15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?Again, I was a little brat when I was younger and always said Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy you name it messed up my room. I would put my sisters tooth under my pillow so I could get money from the Fairy.. So finally my mom told me and ruined my life........
16. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
Never do I ever. I'm really bad at making any type of resolution. I wish I was.
17. What makes the holiday special for you?
I like everyyyything about the holidays. I feel like every one is just in a good mood. Its like the Fridays of months. Everyyyyone and their mother looks forward to it. I just looove the holiday spirit.
P.S all my pictures are of hot coco. Can you tell I get obsessed around this time of year? Let me know what your holiday favorites are in the comments and I TAG Victoria over at Glossy and Glitzy and Hayley at A Beautiful Exchange ! I can't wait to see your answers girls!
all pictures are from (Pinterest)
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Casual Thanksgivin' Outfit Ideas!
As you probably saw in my last post I am obsessed with Thanksgiving. I did a more classy outfit the other day which was GO FIGURE monochromatic. But, I thought I would give you a more relaxed just around the fam, colorful (to me) look as well! This was actually a lot harder than it looks.... I think I need black and white rehab. Or someone to inject a rainbow into my veins... Because, literally it takes so much out of me to not pick out a nice black top. #emoemily

I think this outfit is soooo comfy and perfect for Thanksgiving. I don't know about your family but my family is so relaxed so this is the kind of outfit I would wear. Its cozy but you still look put together and stylish. I LOVE THAT CARDIGAN.. I know its $80 but listen the top is $13 and the pants are on sale for $9.99... I think that makes up for it right? Lets say the pants were $40 and the top was $23 and then the cardigan was only $40.. I bet you would buy it seeeeeeee. It all equals out at the end of the day. AND Top Shop items literally last a leap year. Im really good at selling things maybe I should be a saleswomen;) AND THAT WATCH. I have never heard of Olivia Burton watches but I have been researching for a while now and am obsessed. She makes the cutest daintiest watches ever. Screw a Michael Kors (Sorry guys) This is more my style! Its so timeless. Haha. See what I did there. Even put on a huge scarf either this one or this one and you are set to go.
I hope you guys have been loving my random outfit posts! Have you picked out your outfit yet? Id love to know what you decide on! Let me know in the comments! AND I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING THANKSGIVING! Everytime you eat some pumpkin pie or mashed potatoes, think of your girl;)
Friday, November 21, 2014
A Secret for Blondes-- Shh!
Got a secret can I keep it, swear this one you say, got a locket in my pocket taking this one to the graveeee hehehehehe.
Okay, I don't really know if those are even are the words. But, I couldn't resist. I have a blonde secret and its coming out of the closet. Okay okay okay its not really that big of a secret. The weird thing is, its not a secret at all.... Most blondes just have no idea about my little babe. Actually, most blondes don't even know the difference between blondes which is my biggest pet peeve in the entire world. Am I confusing you yet? Lets back up.....
There once was a thing called blondes. There were many different types of blondes in the forest. But the yellow, brassy blondes were the ones who lived in the straw houses. Ashy, cool blondes lived in the brick houses (per me) because they were the best and of course they would live in the coolest housed away from the bad wolf. The big bad wolf in blondes cases are hard water, the sun, and peroxide. Anytime a dark haired person goes light 9/10 times, the underlying pigment is going to be orange. Which sucks but toning your hair gets rid of that..... For a while. In my case like 2 washes. Not kidding. Then, its back to brassy old Em lookin like a trash bag. UNTIL I FIGURED OUT PURPLE SHAMPOO..... One of my favorite bloggers The Beauty Department also wrote about purple shampoos here! Its an awesome post-- check it out! But, they show the difference amazzzzzingly.
Do you see the difference?! Purple shampoo is a shampoo (duh emily) that brightens blondes and keeps them from the Bad Wolf. Ive tried looooads of them and yeah some of them work but nothing like Shimmer Lights. AND GOOD NEWS ITS CHEAP! You can get it at Sallys I think for like $8. Steal! You use it once a week and let me tell you, my hair every time I use this looks like a million bucks. The purple in the shampoo is across in the color wheel from orange so it BITES IT RIGHT IN THE BEHIND! Just remember art class in first grade. This is science guys..
I know this was the longest post known to man and I am really sorry. But blondes, have you ever tried purple shampoo? Whats your favorite? Seriously tho, get your hands on this. Your hair will thank you and so will I. Together, we can kick this brass epidemic goodbye and finally put an end to THE BIG BAD WOLF..
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Dressy Thanksgiving Outfit Ideeeerzz
Other than giving tons of thanks and seeing my family, I am so excited for all of the food. Pumpkin pie, some turkey, some mashed potatoes and corn, my grandmas salad, mmmm.... My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Thanksgiving is one of my favvvvvorite holidays. So, since I've been loving polyvore and all, I thought why not make some inspos. As you could probably tell in my last post, I love wearing all black. I just think its so perfect and like I said before you look so put together and honestly like a #GIRLBOSS. Im going to do some casual ideas too and don't worry, I will add some color;)

Other than giving tons of thanks and seeing my family, I am so excited for all of the food. Pumpkin pie, some turkey, some mashed potatoes and corn, my grandmas salad, mmmm.... My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Thanksgiving is one of my favvvvvorite holidays. So, since I've been loving polyvore and all, I thought why not make some inspos. As you could probably tell in my last post, I love wearing all black. I just think its so perfect and like I said before you look so put together and honestly like a #GIRLBOSS. Im going to do some casual ideas too and don't worry, I will add some color;)
cape | dress | socks | boots | purse | lipstick
I looooooove this outfit for so many reasons. First that cape coat ughhhhh! Ive been loving capes ever since I saw T-Swifts Blank Space video. Like can I please have a man on a horse with a cape? I don't know I think its just really classy and I am obsessed. PLUS ITS $25! The only thing I would add is to put on some sheer black stockings if you live in colder climates (like I do) and then pair them with the thicker thigh socks. Wing ya liner and use Macs lipstick in 'Living Legend' and you are all set to eat tons of food. (Ps that dress will be perfect for food babies as well because it is loose like a tshirt dress! You know I think of these things)
Whats your guys favorite part about Thanksgiving? I hope I gave you some ideas! What do you plan on wearing?
AND HAVE YOU SEEN TAYLOR SWIFTS NEW VIDEOOOO?! Let me know in the comments:)
MAC Cosmetics
Monday, November 17, 2014
Review: Tomas Total Tan
I found this sweet little gem because of this post from Maskcara. She has been talking about how amazing this was for aggggggges and I never really understood what the fuss was all about. Until I actually got my hands on it. I use this on soooo many of my clients. It is a god sent.
![]() |
I know not everyone is into self tanning or tanning in general. This IS NOT the only use.
If you have acne, or dark spots, OR DARK CIRCLES, this is your cup of tea and you need it. I think she explained it as having a white carpet, and dropping red wine on it. Giiiiirrrl that is never coming out. Don't even try. I wouldn't. Jk. But with a tan carpet, it will be so much less noticeable. (After doing the Vampire Tutorial I dropped the whole thing of fake blood in my new car I had for a week, I know nothing to do with this story, but it was gray seats and I think most of it got out. My luck, kill me, ok Ill stop rambling) But, back to the story, if you have more of a tan your acne or dark circles is going to be easier to cover compared to if you are blankity white.
I know my pale girls, me included, in order to cover every single spot, you will end up looking soooo cakey when your done because its impossible. This helps bring everything to one color making it a lot less work to cover everything. So you get a flawless, not cakey base. Honestly, go watch her video. I'm going through the same exact things and she explains it so much better!
Also if you've ever tanned or laid out I know this is always my struggle, my face is allllways so much paler than my neck. And when I fake tan I don't spray tan my face because it comes off so easily. So I just spray this on my face before I do my makeup and wait like ten seconds then go on about my day. Or you could have the total opposite problem and your neck be sooo pale. I feel you. This will help you. She says this in her post as well but this is ALOT more natural for that glow rather than piling up on the bronzer. Honestly, in the winter when I just feel way to pale, I spray this on my neck and face because no ones going to see if your bodys pale anyway. And this isn't like going to make you ten shades darker so its obvious. It just gives you this glow. Like helloooo I slept 10 hours, woke up went for a run, showered, ate a nice nutritious breakfast, all before 10 am. Yeah that never happens to me either.
BY THE WAY-- This isn't a typical self tanner. It washes off in the shower. Like you still have a little tint. Its not like if you are in the rain this would run off your face. But, its not permanent.
Really, this is a life changer. You can get it at Sallys for $15 and that can will last you a coons age.
Whats your favorite way to cover your acne and dark spots? Do you have any cool tricks? Also, do you spray tan? Whats your favorite?
dark circles
dark spots
pregnancy mask
self tanner
self tanning
Thursday, November 13, 2014
I'm back with another makeup tutorial.. This ones inspired by KYLIE JENNER. Okay, this may be controversial, its okay if you don't like her. But, she's brought makeup into a whole nother category. Not even kidding. She started bringing the 90s makeup back and I am not complaining. I LOVE THE DARK NUDE LIP TREND-- BRING IT ON! You can't deny that this simple natural makeup look is beautiful. It is all about the lashes and big lips because, who doesn't love that?!
First, start out with my contouring and highlighting routine. You can find that here. Don't forget this step! A flawless base is what makes this makeup look so beautiful!
Now onto the eyes--- ALWAYS START OFF WITH A PRIMER! Then, I took Nectar from my Lorac Pro 2 Palette and swept that with a big fluffy brush into the crease, making sure there is no hard lines. This is our transition color. Afterwards we took Buff from the same palette all over the lid and blend again. Then we switched over to our Maya Mia Palette and took the color Caramel and put that into the crease, again in back and forth motions and blend blend blend.
I took Caramel again under the lower lash line to smoke it out a bit and took Vanilla from the same palette on the inner corner and right on the brow bone. Now time for the winged liner! No Kylie look is complete without this!
Now. coat your eyelashes with some mascara. Kylie always wears falsies so I took Ardell Demi-Wispies (If you would like a tutorial on how to put on falsies let me know!) Then for that more wispy affect we took some small individuals and put them right in the inner lash line.
FINALLY FOR THE INFAMOUS KYLIE LIP! I found this lip liner from the drugstore and it was literally a complete dupe! Its Rimmel Londons Tiramisu! I am obsessssssssed. I wish I could put the heart face emoji right now. Line your lips like you normally would then fill them all in. And you're finished!
I hoped you guys loved it! Whats your favorite makeup trend this Fall? Are you into the 90s trend coming back?
A big thank you to Sarah Bedzyk for all of the photos! She was aamaaaaazing!
You can check her website out here.
And give her a huge thumbs on on Facebook. Tell her I sent ya;)
Talk to you guys soon!
kylie jenner lips
kylie jenner makeup
Monday, November 10, 2014
I know I've already told you my favorite time of the year is Fall.
But, not only because the leaves, sweaters and scarfs, apple picking and cozy days its because of FALL AND WINTER HAIR COLOR IS MY FAVORITE. Dark chocolates, reds and purples are my weakness. Its just something about rich hair color that rubs me in all the right places. Check out my Fall/Winter hair inspo. All from the best, almighty, PINTEREST.
I LOVEEEE the one in the top left corner. That cool brown almost purple just sings to me. It is perfection. It makes me want to go back dark. I think thats my faveee. But, I am obsessed with every single one. I hope I gave you some inspoooo to change your locks! If anyone books with me to get any of these colors, I will throw in a free cut and wax, just because Fall time is the best time-- Going until Next Monday! So book you're appointments soooon:)
Comment below what you're favorite fall hair color is! I'd loveeee to know!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Secret to Fixing Your Dry Hair!
Even if I'm a hairdresser, I have hair issues too.
I know, who woulda thought right? But honestly. Ever since I went blonde and was a little brat about it and wanted to lighten my hair 6 times in one week even though I knew the consequences-- my hair is judging me hardcore. I have tried EVERYTHING to get my hair back to normal. Deep conditioners on deep conditioners on deep conditioners. Nothings helped. All the deep conditioner actually gave me product build up like noooooo tomorrow. So my hair just felt gunky like I had gel and conditioner left in my hair then straightened it. EW. So on a random Sunday I tried this Pinterest bologna as a DIY Clarifying Shampoo because I didn't have any on hand and that made my hair so much worse. I couldnt even blowdry it. It felt like mash potatoes. So thats my life story and fail of the month. Ive dealt with the crappiest, grossest, deadest (ya thats not a word) hair ever.UNTIL TWO DAYS AGO....
dun dun dun dun.
I got these bad boys.
They literally are a godsend.
Per the Matrix website:
Formulated with Arginine and Soy, Biolage Advanced repairinside Shampoo cleanses and conditions severely damaged hair to help restore suppleness and shine.
•Gently cleanses
•Repairs damage
•Restores suppleness and shine
•Restores suppleness and shine
Yahhhhhh it does! I'm not kidding when I say if you have damaged hair and thought "Oh I just need to cut my hair I have no other choice". You're wrong. Go buy this. NOW. I don't know what to tell you except its amazing. My hair feels so soft. I can actually run my fingers through it (before I couldn't to many tanglez) It feels normal. My little cousin even noticed and she's 10...
Honestly, if you suffer with dry hair, take my word. Go buy this shizzzz. It will change your life..
Whats your favorite dry hair remedy? Does anything help you?! Let me know in the comments-- Talk to you soon:)
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Fall Lazy Day Inspo- All black er thang
Oh November.
Can we just pause for a second to talk about where September and October went? The heck?!
But, I'm so happy to see you. Although, I hate you too. I'm sorry. I can't help it.
Come Winter and colder weather comes Dead Emily. Literally dead. Atleast to the world that is. It started off with just laryngitis, but, now I've been sick in bed not moving for at least 4 days now. So whilst not doing anything but sitting in bed, comes Pinterest and browsing every clothes website that ever existed.

Can we just pause for a second to talk about where September and October went? The heck?!
But, I'm so happy to see you. Although, I hate you too. I'm sorry. I can't help it.
Come Winter and colder weather comes Dead Emily. Literally dead. Atleast to the world that is. It started off with just laryngitis, but, now I've been sick in bed not moving for at least 4 days now. So whilst not doing anything but sitting in bed, comes Pinterest and browsing every clothes website that ever existed.
sunglasses: here boots: here necklace: here black t: here flannel: here pants: here or here
Please tell me I'm not the only one who loves an all black outfit? I know its not everyones cup of tea but, something about it is just so boss. Like excuse me, Im wearing all black don't mess with me. Since I'm sick and all I wanted to put together an outfit you can just throw on while running errands, or go shopping, or going to lunch with friends. I think this is so effortless but I'm obsessed with leather pants as you know for fall, I have been ADDICTED to oversized flannels, and even more obsessed with over the knee boots. Would you rock this outfit?!
Let me know in the comments belowwwwww.
I just discovered Polyvore and am in love, so go follow me to see more outfits like this one!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
for my last Halloween DIY I thought why not do the Black Swan.
Natalie Portman is legit in that movie. Like that and that other movie with Ashton Kutcher came out around the same time and I remember looooooving her in that then seeing Black Swan and thinking, what in the world. Of all worlds. Is going on. Am i the only one? If you haven't watched it go check it out. The makeup in this movie is soooo DOPE and I thought why not put my own twist on it? I think this is such a cute costume to rock with a black ballerina tank and a black tutu. You'd look like a babe. Bet ya!
First thing we did is take the lightest foundation in Loreal True Match and apply it all over the face and down the neck. Then take a white translucent powder and don't tap off the excess and just pat it all over the skin. This is what really gives that white creepy base.
Then, start contouring with a gray shadow. Really accentuate this, the more you contour the creepier you'll look and thats all cooool for Halloween. Skip the blush and for a highlight I actually took Macs Pigment in White. I wet my brush with Fix+ and put it under the eyes, down the bridge of the nose, the cupids bow, the chin, etc etc.
Now for the eyes--
We took any black shadow and put it all over the lid as a base. Then with eyelash glue pat it on the skin where you want the feathers, wait like ten seconds so it gets tacky, then apply them where you seem fitting. Then we took hairspray and just sprayed where we wanted the feathers to stay. They were going everyyyywhere, their nuts. Finished it off with some black liner, and smudged it all out with a shadow.
To finish off the look, I took a matte red lipstick (Russian Red from Mac) and applied that, then took Night Moth, a dark lipliner and put in the inside to make it look extra creepy.
AND BAM you're done. Go put your tutu on and call it a day hehe!
If you recreate any of these looks for Halloween I would love to see them!
This is unfortunately my last tutorial. Halloween came to fast. But, be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do ;) AND HAVE FUN!
Talk to you soon xx
Thursday, October 23, 2014
My Drugstore Holy Grailzzz
Hi, I really miss just chatting on here. Am I pathetic? Maybe I need some friends haha.
But, I like you guys. I feel like when Im shopping I go home and think, oh my lanta I got to go blog about all the cool things I found. Like its ridiculous. Haha, its like you guys are my friends and I just have to tell you everything I bought.. This sounds sad, but, its the trufffth. When I'm doing tutorials I just feel like its straight to the point and dry. Like, blend, put on lipstick BYE. So lets actually get back to normal and be BFFz again? Ok, good. Thanks.
So I'm gonna talk about something close to my heart and apparently your guys too.
Drugstore Products.
Where do you draw the line? What should you splurge on?
Honestly, heres my say, I don't draw the line anywhere. I don't think you exactly need to splurge on anything. Thats my opinion others may be different but, I like to try everything. Some drugstore products yes, for lack of a better word, the pits. But honestly, so are some high end Dior things. Im not against anything. But, don't get me wrong, I do love high end things, as you may see in my tutorials. On the other hand tho, I do love me a good NYC find. You do you, if something works for you and its a dollar. GIRRRL YAAAASSS. Im jealous and let me in on it. But like I said, I'm here to try everything from drugstore to high end for you to see what you need to go out and buy right now or pass on. So lets get to it.
NYC Liquid Liner-- Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm obsessed. If you follow a lot of bloggers, or you tubers you may already have heard the rave about this. But, its literally one of the blackest eyeliners I've ever used. The applicator is also amazing. Its super easy to work with and lasts forever. Wait for it.... Its also only $2.99. You should go buy it if you're obsessed with a nice wing like me.
Keepin on the NYC train, their Sunny Bronzer... I've talked about this a hundred and one times. But, one more won't hurt. This is a perfect bronzer. I literally reach for it more than I do my high end ones. I love it. There is no shimmer and it literally mimics a real tan. It gives you some color without looking Jersey Shore-esq if you're picking up what I'm putting down. This is also $2.99 ughhhhh. Its almost a complete dupe for Benefits Hoola Bronzer if you're into that but for a fraction (not even) of the cost.
Rimmels Lash Accelerator Mascara! This gem is like $7.99 I think... This is an amazing mascara. It lengthens like no other. Im obsessed with this one mascara from Mac, I think its called Extended Play and this is exactly like it, if not better. Its a miracle worker for my bottom lashes. When I wear this its like BAM there they are. I LOVE IT. I would pick this over a lot of high end mascara. Oh, and it lasts a super long time too. I wore it to bed (I know bad) on accident and I woke up and my lashes still were like Hayyyyyyy.
Revlons lipsticks, lipglosses, lipstains. Anything Revlon lip wise. Im about. They are soooo pigmented and last a good amount of time for being $4. Their lipsticks after Mac and YSL are my favorite lipsticks of all time. They have the most PERFECT nudes and fall colors. No other drugstore lipstick touches Revlons. My favorite is Pink Pout and Nude Attitude. Im not kidding I reach for these two more than any of my other lipsticks 75% of the time. And thats a big deal considering the amount of lip sticks I do have. I have loved these for yeaaaaaaars. My first ever lipstick I actually wore on a daily basis was Nude Attitude and I have repurchased it at least 10 times.
Loreal Viable Lift Blur Foundation & Loreal True Match
This stuff is amazing. I got it because honestly, I was like I love my Loreal True Match, its my favorite foundation, so why not try it? And I'm so glad I did. It literally blurs my pores, blurs every imperfection and it doesn't feel heavy on the skin. Which is a plus! I loveeeee it. Its awesome for everyday! Loreal True Match is more for a night out. Its full coverage and you can definitely tell you have foundation on. But, it makes you look flawless. Its great for people with problem skin that wants a foundation to really cover everything. I use this on clients alllll zeeeee time. I love it.
NYX anything, practically is bomb.
I love their blushes, their concealers, their lip glosses.
Their lip butter glosses are everything. And they smell like vanilla. What else do you need in life? Their staying power isn't that great but if you're ok with reapplying its beautiful when its on and moisturizes your lips like no ones business. My favorite is creme brûlée! You can get them at Ulta for like $5.
So theres that....
You have all my secrets to cheap deals.
You're welcome ;)
Talk to you guys soon!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
DIY: Mermaid Tutorial! MOSTLY DRUGSTORE!
Hiiiiiiiiii everyone, I'm back with another HALLOWWEEEEEEEN tutorial.
This time a MERMAID.
Ok, like vampires, I am obsessed with mermaids. I want to be one.
Im actually pretty obsessed with Carli Bybel a you tuber and I got inspiration from one of her videos a few Halloweens back and I alwayyyyyyyys wanted to try it out so I thought leeeegggoooooooo.
So Halloween gives you the chance to do this! Its super cool and easy, but pretty and not scary;)
And its actually pretty cheap to do by yourself at home!
If you're interested how to get this look, keep on reeeadin
First things first we did our foundation/contour routine which you can find here!
For eyes we primed of course with any eye primer.
Then took Maybellines Color Tattoo in Tenacious Teal and patted that on the outer corner of the eye and inner. Leaving the middle with no shadow. Then we took Urban Decays Grifter or any light purple and patted that right in the middle where we left it bare and blended it all out with a clean blending brush making sure theres no harsh lines! Then to intensify the teal we took our Mac Fix+ (or if you read this post you may know you can replace this with eye drops) and sprayed our brush and then picked up Maybellines Tattoo Pure Pigment in Never Fade Jade and patted it right over the teal and blend it all out with a blending brush again. Then taking the teal we lined the underneath of the eyes and afterwards took NYX Jumbo Pencil in Purple Velvet and lined our waterline and took any white shimmery shadow and just highlight the inner corner and brow bone. Then BLEND everything out one more time!
Take some fishnet stockings and place it where you would want the scales and then take the Maybelline Tattoo in Tenacious Teal and start patting in random places, again to intensify it take Never Fade Jade then take the light Purple shade and start patting that on the outer edges of where you want your scales to end. To really get a gradient effect, take the shimmery white shadow and go right at the edge. Just to make it look faded to nothing. If ya know what I'm sayin... This part you have to really make sure you don't move the stocking unless the scales will move. Then we took some eyelash glue and put it on the back of our hand and waited a few minutes so it will get tacky. We placed it wherever we wanted the glitter (I got the glitter and sequins at Jo Ann Fabrics for literally $3) and then took the glitter and sequins where ever we thought would look good. And voilllaaaaaa finished with some Pink Lipstick and you're set!
Now you're the prettiest mermaid in the whhooooleeee worrrrld;)
Keep checkin by for some new Halloween Looks! See ya lata alligata or should I say mermaid?