So as you all know its Breast Cancer Awareness Month! With that said, there is tons of products out there this month to make a change and support this charity.. Or, just changin' up your do's and pouting a bright pink lip can be a great way to show your pride! I love pink so it is soooo easy for me! LOL. If you would like more information about Breast Cancer go to So instead of orange lets turn October PINK!
Heres a cute top from Under Armour to wear on a lazy day at home or with a ripped pair of boyfriend jeans and some toms! Its $27.99 and 100% of proceeds are donated to breast cancer charities and medical centers.
EOS Strawberry and Fresh Watermelon Duo-- EVERYONES FAVORITE BALM! Now you wont feel guilty stockin' up! Its $5.99 at the EOS website! 100% of proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research as well.
I don't know about you but I love a good tan. Especially if its in a bottle and Fake Bake is one of my favorites! Flawless is not a lotion, not a mousse, not a gel... Its a liquid and it comes with a spray bottle and you just spray it all on and rub it in with the mitt in circular motions. Wake up, shower and BAM, a tan looking like you just got back from the bahamas. With this kit, you get Fake Bake Flawless, a bracelet, a tanning mitt and a lip gloss. $1 off everyone sold will go to Wings of Karen. For all of that-- Only $29.99 on! A great deal considering the Flawless itself is usually $29.

And for my babes Katy.... Same with blue-- Hot or Not??? Let me know.. I'd love to hear!
Support Breast Cancer by sporting some pink tresses!! Keep bookin' those appointments; Lets have some fun!!!!!
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